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1. We are River Cruise Restaurants Limited, a company incorporated in England and registered with company number 10678494 whose registered office is at 5 Mundays Lane, Orford, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 2LX (referred to in these Terms and Conditions in the first person plural). We are river cruise operators and our business operates in the United Kingdom.
2. These Terms and Conditions alone represent the entire agreement between us and our clients and customers (who are referred to in the second person throughout).
3. These Terms and Conditions do not affect your statutory rights. We reserve the right to change our Terms and Conditions at any time. The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding between us and you. If any part of our Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of them will not be affected and will remain valid and enforceable.
4. In all cases where you make a booking for yourself or others, you must:
a. be at least 18 years of age at the time of booking;
b. be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the personal details or any other information supplied in respect of all people included in the booking;
c. notify us at or prior to the time of booking of any personal circumstances pertaining to a person included in the booking including, without limitation, whether any such person is not self-reliant or is a person with reduced mobility;
d. be responsible for passing on any information regarding the booking or any changes made in relation thereto, to all passengers travelling on such booking;
e. be responsible for notifying us of any dietary requirements or allergies suffered by you or any member of your party or any person on whose behalf the booking is made; and
f. accept these Terms and Conditions on behalf of all passengers travelling on such booking and you warrant that you are authorised so to do.
5. Children over the age of 18 months are classed as full fare-paying passengers. They must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult.
6. The prices stated on our homepage are inclusive of all fixed, non-optional applicable taxes, supplements, fees and charges. We reserve the right to increase or decrease our prices, at any time, without notice.
7. When a booking is made by you either online or otherwise, your booking will be acknowledged but will not be confirmed until the total number of passengers booked for that particular cruise reaches the minimum viable number (as deemed by us). If the total number of people booked on a particular cruise is fewer that the minimum viable number the cruise will not proceed. If anyone cancels their booking so that the total number of passengers falls below the minimum viable number, the cruise will be cancelled and you will be notified accordingly and clause 9 below will apply.
8. Full payment for the boat cruise or charter will become due at the time of the booking. A provisional booking will only be held for twenty-four hours after which you will be deemed to have cancelled your booking and clause 9 below will apply. The payment for the cruise or charter per person required will be advised at the time of booking and may vary at our discretion. In any event, the payment for a breakfast Cruise will be the full price of the breakfast excluding any extras which may be ordered on the day. All bookings must include at least two courses for each passenger and will be charged in full whether the meal is taken or not. Private Charter Charges: If the number of guests for a private charter falls below the initially booked number, an additional charge will apply. For bookings of 12 guests, if fewer than 12 guests attend, a fee of £20 per absent guest will be charged. This fee is to cover costs associated with the reduction in the number of attendees, including the inability to sell food and drink to the absent guests. Any additional charges will be settled on the day of the cruise.
9. In the unlikely event of our being forced to cancel your trip for whatever reason you may elect either to reschedule your trip or to receive a voucher. No further compensation will be offered.
10. We accept no liability against any loss which you or any other person may sustain in consequence of the failure of any fault or service supplied by us.
11. Hire payments cannot be refunded when a trip is cancelled by you, for whatever reason. You can cancel your booking up to 30 days before the cruise date for a full refund. Cancellations made between 30 and 14 days before the cruise will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer a refund for cancellations made within 14 days of the cruise date.In exceptional circumstances (to be determined by us in our sole discretion) where you request a change of cruise date, we may agree to change a date (once only), subject to availability and provided that the change is requested more than seven days before the booked trip. Requests for changes to a trip date requested within seven days of the booked trip will be classed as a cancellation. In the event of cancellation or a passenger's missing the sailing, for any reason, no refunds are available. Any request for a change must be made to us directly and an administration fee of £10.00 will apply.
12. Should you or any member of your party, for whatever reason, fail to arrive on time for your scheduled cruise no refund or compensation will be payable. If the cruise is delayed as a result of any force majeure or any factor beyond our control (eg lock closure, shipping movements, weather) no part of the cruise price will be refunded.
13. We reserve the right to alter the published programme or booked trip times at any time where necessary due to unforeseen circumstances or reasons beyond our control. Any refunds agreed will be made entirely at our discretion.
14. Any damage caused to vessels or equipment by you or other passengers in your party is to be paid for by you.
15. We reserve the right of our crew to refuse admission or to direct any passenger to disembark if, in the reasonable opinion of the crew, admission of the passenger aboard might put at risk the safety of other passengers, the crew or the vessel. No person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or acts aggressively to any person or appears liable to cause a nuisance will be permitted to board the vessel. No refunds will be made in such circumstances.
16. We reserve the right, when necessary, to alter or withdraw on board services and facilities.
17. For your own safety and the safety of others, you must follow instructions given by our crew when on board our vessels. Smoking is permitted only on designated outside deck areas. You may not take on board any food or drink unless by prior arrangement and you may be charged a suitable, additional fee where such an arrangement is agreed. You may not take on board hazardous or flammable substances.
18. We will not be liable for any loss, damage or delay to you or any person or their possessions whilst embarking or disembarking from the vessel or during the cruise which may arise from or be in any way connected with any act, omission or negligence of us or any person employed by us.
19. We do not accept responsibility for any personal belongings or animals brought on board. If you bring any such items on board they remain your responsibility at all times.
20. We will not be liable for the death of or personal injury to any persons resulting from any act or omission other than our own negligence.
21. We are registered with the Data Protection Registrar. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1999. You will be asked at the point of sale whether you wish to be contacted with information of future events and whether customers wish to receive information by other third parties of relevant interest.
22. We will at all times comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us.
23. You may ask us at any time what personal data of yours is being held or processed, for what purpose and to whom it may be or has been disclosed. You may also withdraw your consent to receiving marketing material or other communications from us at any time by unsubscribing to our e-mails or otherwise contacting us. Please also let us know if you believe the personal data we are holding is inaccurate, out of date or incomplete. You may contact us by e-mail (, telephone +44 (0)1473 558712 or post to Data Controller, River Cruise Restaurants Limited PO BOX 297 Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 9ER. If you have any complaint about the way in which your personal data has been dealt with, please let us know by e-mail to We will investigate and respond to you as soon as we reasonably can. If you remain dissatisfied, you may complain to the Information Commissioner's Office – please refer to
24. Whilst we try to ensure that all information displayed on our websites, in our publicity material or elsewhere, particularly times and prices, is accurate it is possible that errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of a ticket you have purchased, we will try to inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of either reconfirming your purchase at the correct price or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you for any reason, we reserve the right to treat the purchase as cancelled.
25. You may purchase Gift Vouchers from us. These may be of any value decided by you (subject to a minimum of £20) and must be paid for in full before a Gift Voucher will be issued. The Gift Voucher may be used by the recipient to book a cruise. A Gift Voucher will be valid on any vessel operated by us for are period of eighteen months from the date of issue or other date stipulated. Gift Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash. If the value of the cruise purchase is less than the Gift Voucher value, the balance may be carried forward to a future cruise. The Gift Voucher can only be used by the person to whom it was issued and is non-transferable. The Gift Voucher must be presented at the time of redemption. If a hard copy or reissue of the Gift Voucher is required an administration fee of £10.00 will apply.
26. The contract between us will be construed in accordance with and governed by English Law and the English courts shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to in relation to any matter arising out of or in connection with this contract.